Melanie McCorkle
Child Care Committee
The Child Care Committee is an advisory body of the City of Irvine, reporting to the Community Services Commission, providing input on the needs of the community pertaining to child care related issues. The Committee’s mission is to develop recommendations related to the availability of affordable quality child care and early education in Irvine.
Jennifer Wang
Children, Youth, and Families Advisory Committee
The Irvine Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee meets quarterly to review and evaluate the City of Irvine's Strategic Plan for Children, Youth and Families. Meetings are held 5:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Irvine Civic Center.
Jing Sun
Community Services Commission
Advises the City Council regarding park, recreational, and cultural programs that would be of interest and benefit to the City's residents; advises on the development and improvement of the City's recreational facilities.
Yulan Chung
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
The Committee of City Council appointees will provide input on the needs of the community, and advise the City Council in meeting the specific goals outlined in the resolution.
Melinda Liu
Finance Commission
Gives advice to the City Council regarding the funding of activities and programs; review actual vs. planned revenue and expenditure levels to help ensure efficiency.
Brian Chung
Investment Advisory Committee
Provides advice to City Council regarding the City’s investments; annually review the City’s Investment Policy; review the City’s Investment Portfolio quarterly; and consult the City Treasurer with insights on investment opportunities.
Doug Elliott
OCPA Community Advisory Committee
Meeting once a month, the Committee’s purpose is to advise the Orange County Power Authority’s Board of Directors on the operation of its Community Choice Energy program. The Community Advisory Committee is composed of residents, business owners and employees from OCPA’s five member cities – and now they’re representing you!
Jong Limb
Planning Commission
Implements the City's General Plan and Zoning Code through the review and approval of discretionary applications for land development; advises the City Council on amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Code.
David Ihrig
Public Arts Committee
The Public Arts Committee is an advisory body of the City of Irvine, reporting to the Community Services Commission, providing input on needs of the community pertaining to arts and cultural programming. The Committee’s mission is to develop a comprehensive Public Arts Master Plan providing a roadmap for the advancement of arts over the next ten years.
Myung Suh
Senior Citizens Council Committee
Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in establishing policy on matters pertaining to special interests and concerns of senior citizens.
Dr. Steven Allison
Sustainability Commission
Advise the City Council and make recommendations on sustainability policies and programs related to energy, recycling and waste management, mobility, open space, and water issues. Advise the City Council on successful implementation of the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP).
William Go
Transportation Commission
Advise City Council regarding development traffic impact studies, expansion of transit services, and traffic and transportation capital projects.