AFTER DECADES OF MISMANAGEMENT AND CORRUPTION, Irvine is finally putting the Park back into the Great Park with the development of the Great Park Framework Plan.
The Future of the Park
A project area spanning nearly 1,300 acres, with more than 500 acres open today and 300 acres in the next phase of development, the Great Park is a park for all.
Framed by forest, defined by open space and a wide variety of community-serving uses, it brings nature, exploration, and wonder to Irvine’s doorstep. Both big and great, large municipal parks bring beneficial aspects of nature into the built environment, improve our physical and psychological health, strengthen our communities, and provide an antidote to the stress of daily life. The Great Park is a celebration of both Irvine’s rich heritage and diverse community character —and a multifaceted investment in our collective future. It’s a place of joy, wellness, and wonder that will gracefully evolve and enrich the lives of future generations.
Botanical Gardens
Veterans Memorial Garden
Grand Promenade
Great Meadow
North Lake
Central Lake
South Lake
Full Circle Farm
Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridges
Sports Complex
Cultural Terrace
Wild Rivers
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